Friday, February 11, 2011

Research: Questionnaire results

For our questionnaire we asked 18 people, 10 females and 8 males. We asked people between the ages of 17 and 20 as we feel this will be the best target audience for us so we feel their views will be most helpful.
We started of by asking if they like film trailers and a larger percentage of people did, with 15 out of 18 people saying yes. We then went on to ask which genre they preferred to ensure that we were targeting our trailer at the right audience.
As shown from this chart we can see that the larger percentage of people do prefer Romance so we know now that we are going to be creating the trailer for the correct genre and it will be something that our audience will enjoy.
We also asked them what it was in particular they enjoyed about film trailers was it; The sense of a cliff hanger, The pace, The Editing or Finding out what characters are in the film.

From these results you can see that more people prefer there to be a cliff hanger included in the trailer so this is something we will make sure we include at the end of our trailer

67% of the people that filled in the questionnaire said that they preferred the trailers to be fast paced so this is something that we can think about when creating our trailer. Along with this 10 out of 18 people said they prefer the music to be parallel so if the film is going to be fast paced then we must ensure that the music is in keeping with this.

We also found out that the larger number of people view trailers on the television so we will ensure that our trailer is appropriate for television which is the way in which most of our target audience view trailers. So by doing this we will ensure to target our audience.

All of these things that we have found out will help us a lot when creating our products so we will ensure that we use this research well and keep our audience happy.

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